Abbey Quarter Conservation Plan

Closed27 Jun, 2022, 09:00 - 25 Jul, 2022, 17:00

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Objective 3J of the Kilkenny City & Environs Development Plan 2014-2020 outlined an objective to “Prepare a Heritage Conservation Plan for St. Francis Abbey, Evans’ Turret and St. Francis’ Well in the context of the existing City Wall conservation plan in conjunction with the Heritage Council, the Office of Public Works, the National Monuments Service, the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and other relevant stakeholders.”  

Objective C2A of the current Kilkenny City & County Development Plan 2021-2027 outlines an objective “….To continue to implement the Abbey Quarter Masterplan and Urban Design Code and secure the overall development of the area in accordance with their objectives.”  The Development Plan also notes that a Conservation Plan is currently being prepared for “….St. Francis’ Abbey, Evan’s Turret, and sections of Kilkenny City walls which are located on the Abbey Quarter site”  and includes an Objective (C4D) “To facilitate and support the implementation of existing (and any further) conservation plans, as resources allow.

Kilkenny County Council has now prepared a Draft Conservation Plan for these Heritage Structures in the Abbey Quarter.  The Draft Conservation Plan is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement. 

A copy of the Draft Conservation Plan and accompanying documentation may be inspected at the following locations for a 4 week period from Monday 27th June 2022 to Monday 25th July 2022.  

  • online at
  • Planning Dept., Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John St., Kilkenny City from 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and Bank Holidays).  

Written submissions or observations in relation to the Draft Conservation Plan and Natura Impact Statement received within this period will be taken into consideration in the completion of the Conservation Plan. 

Submissions or observations may be made  :

Submissions must be received by 5PM  on Monday 25th July 2022.  Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on Kilkenny County Council’s consultation website. 

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