Chapter 2 Guidance

Closed23 Nov, 2017, 4:42pm - 22 Dec, 2017, 12:00pm

See attached. 

'Abbey Quarter Draft Urban Design Code'
  Submission re 'Abbey Quarter Draft Urban Design Code':  Margaret O’ Brien.   I welcome the opportunity to make this submission, and recognise the efforts of Kilkenny County...
Submission to Abbey Quarter Draft Urban Design Code
Submission re 'Abbey Quarter Draft Urban Design Code' : While I welcome the opportunity to contribute on this plan, I am disappointed at the timing. The run up to Christmas is inappropriate. I can't...
Submission to Abbey Quarter Draft Urban Design Code
Hi, I object to the proposal , because it puts off starting agreed housing on the North end of the site indefinitely, and I want housing started there now. I object to the North end of the site...
Submission to Abbey Quarter Draft Urban Design Code
Sirs   Please listen to the people of Kilkenny for once!   While I welcome the opportunity to contribute on this plan, I am disappointed at the timing. The run up to Christmas...
Submission to Abbey Quarter Draft Urban Design Code
Submission re 'Abbey Quarter Draft Urban Design Code' :  My comments on the 'Abbey Quarter Draft Urban Design Code' are as follows: I object to the proposal , because the first thing we...