Table of contents

Closed12 Dec, 2014, 12:00am - 6 Feb, 2015, 12:00am

Section 1      Introduction

1.1         Background

1.2         Legislative Context

1.3         Stages of Appropriate Assessment


Section 2      Stage 1 Screening

2.1         Description of Proposed Amendment No. 2. 3

2.2         European sites within 15 km of the Lands Referred to by Proposed Amendment No. 2.6

2.3         Assessment Criteria

2.4         Other Plans and Projects

2.5         Conclusion of Screening Stage


Section 3      Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment

3.1         Introduction

3.2         Potential Significant Effects

3.3         Conservation Objectives


Section 4      Mitigation Measures

4.1         Introduction. 

4.2         Existing Policies and Objectives that offer Protection to European Sites

4.3         Recommendations


Section 5      Conclusion


List of Tables

Table 1 European sites within 15 km of the Lands Referred to by Proposed Amendment No. 2. 9

Table 2 Screening of European Sites within 15 km of the Proposed Amendment lands. 13

Table 3 Plans & Programmes Likely to Cause In-Combination Effects. 13


List of Figures

Figure 1 Location and extent of the proposed extension of the LAP boundary. 5

Figure 2 European sites within 15km of the Lands Proposed Amendment lands. 7

Figure 3 Aerial photograph showing location of the Proposed Amendment lands at Westcourt in relation to the River Barrow and River Nore cSAC. @ ESRI. 8