5 Transportation and Mobility

Closed19 Apr, 2018, 15:50 - 15 Jun, 2018, 17:00

If Kilkenny City & County are to continue to grow and thrive they must have the necessary infrastructure to accommodate development.  Land use planning, transport and mobility are fundamentally linked.  Transport and land use play a central role in the economy of the County.  It is essential to have an efficient strategic transport system for the future economic, social and physical development of the City and County.

Where and how we build the places we work and live in affects our life choices and in particular how we travel to and from other areas we need to access.

Transport infrastructure and services means roads, footpaths, cycle ways and buses, trains and taxis within the city and county.

There is opportunity for the Development Plan to consider the provision of integrated scheduling of connections between all transport - rail, bus, and shipping services within the region. Rail connectivity between Waterford and Dublin through County Kilkenny needs to be improved to provide for commuter services so that workers living in Dublin can take up employment opportunities in locations along the rail route. The Rosslare to Limerick rail line through Kilkenny also needs to be examined (e.g. should it be retained to future-proof sustainable transport for the Southern Region).   


One of the key roles of the County Development Plan is to implement national policy regarding road, rail and public transport generally.


Submission from the National Transport Authority
See attached.
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