10.2.9 Waste Management
10.2.9 Waste Management
Waste management in Ireland is regulated by the Waste Management Act, 1996 as amended. Having given due regard to the national waste management policy as outlined in A Resource Opportunity, Waste Management Policy in Ireland, the Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015-2021 was made. The local authorities in the Southern Region comprise Carlow County Council, Clare County Council, Cork City Council, Cork County Council, Kerry County Council, Kilkenny County Council, Limerick City and County Council, Tipperary County Council, Waterford City and County Council and Wexford County Council. The joint lead authorities for waste management planning in the Southern Region are Limerick City and County Council and Tipperary County Council.
The strategic vision of the Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015-2021, a statutory document, is to rethink our approach to managing waste, by viewing our waste streams as valuable material resources, leading to a healthier environment and sustainable commercial opportunities for our economy. The Plan is the framework for the prevention and management of wastes in a safe and sustainable manner, and includes the promotion of resource efficiency and the circular economy as one of its strategic objectives.
Section 4 of the Waste Management Amendment Act 1996, as amended, provides that the Development Plan in force in an area shall be deemed to include the objectives contained in the relevant waste management plan. Therefore, this plan is deemed to contain the policies and objectives of the Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015-2021 and its successor. Waste Management Policy Waste Management Development Management Requirements:
It is the Council’s policy to have regard to the waste produced by proposed developments including the nature and amount of waste produced and proposed method of disposal.
- Proposed apartment and housing developments in urban areas must be appropriately laid out to enable the implementation of three bin collection systems, see Chapter 13.
- Proposed apartment, housing and commercial developments must be either serviced by existing infrastructure or make appropriate provision for bring sites in their layout. The sites shall be made available to the Council at the developer’s own expense and will be maintained by the Council or its agents. Adequate access must be provided in developments to service proposed bring sites.
- To have regard to the waste produced by proposed developments including the nature and amount of waste produced and proposed method of disposal.
- For all significant construction/demolition projects, the developer shall include an Environmental Management Plan. These plans should seek to focus on waste minimisation in general and optimise waste prevention, re-use and recycling opportunities, and shall provide for the segregation of all construction wastes into recyclable, biodegradable and residual wastes.
- Construction and demolition waste management plans, to be prepared in accordance with the Best Practice Guidelines on the Preparation of Waste Management Plans for Construction and Demolition Projects. These plans should seek to focus on waste minimisation in general and optimise waste prevention, re-use and recycling opportunities, and shall provide for the segregation of all construction wastes into recyclable, biodegradable and residual wastes.
10G It is an objective of the plan to implement the Southern Region Waste Management Plan.