11. Renewable Energy

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

11. Renewable Energy

Strategic Aim: To generate 70% of electricity demand for the County through renewables by 2030 by promoting and facilitating all forms of renewable energies and energy efficiency improvements in a sustainable manner as a response to climate change. 



Kilkenny Renewable Energy Strategy
RWE commend Kilkenny County Council on their strategic aim: “To generate 70% of electricity demand for the County through renewables  by  2030  by  promoting and...
Chapter 11 - Renewable Energy Submission
Please find attached a submission on the Draft Kilkenny Development Plan (2021-2027) on behalf of Harmony Solar Ireland Limited.
Castlebanny wind farm
To whom it may concern, I wish to thank you for this this opportunity to make a submission to the Kilkenny City and County Draft Development Plan. I am extremely concerned at the...
Castlebanny wind farm
I wish to thank you for this this opportunity to make a submission to the Kilkenny City and County Draft Development Plan. I am extremely concerned at the proposed changes to the Wind Energy...
Amendment of Draft Wind Strategy Areas Map to include an area at Seskin Ballyragget in the Acceptable in Principle Classification area
This area is suitable for the following reasons. Windspeeds:  The SEAI Wind Atlas map shows the area in question having average windspeeds of 7.4m/s at 75m height which would equate...