12.11.10 Regional and Local Roads Objectives

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
12.11.10 Regional and Local Road Objectives

12AA     To progress a relief road for Thomastown.

12AB     To seek an upgrade of the R700 between New Ross and Kilkenny to National Secondary status

12AC      To seek an upgrade of the Kilkenny to Urlingford road (R693) to National Secondary status.

12AD     Reserve the proposed line of the proposed Northern Ring road Extension in Kilkenny City and progress it through the planning process

12AE      Provision of a relief road from the Loughboy IDA estate to the Waterford Road including an upgrade to the Outrath Road.

12AF      To implement the recommendations of the Kilkenny City Local Transport Plan.

12AG     Completion of internal roads in Kilkenny City to serve the Western Environs\Breagagh valley and Loughmacask. (The Central Access Scheme) See Volume 2, Figure CS3.

12AH     To provide for a second access from the Hebron industrial estate/business park onto Hebron road

12AI       To investigate a connection between the internal roads within the Hebron industrial estate /business park.

12AJ      To implement the traffic strategy and road cross sections for the Hebron area in accordance with the Hebron Urban Design Strategy[1]

12AK     To improve substandard sections of regional\county roads throughout the County, in particular those most heavily trafficked, and those providing access to existing or proposed industrial, residential or commercial developments as required and as resources permit.

12AL      To maintain, develop and improve existing roads and to construct new roads as needs arise and resources permit in accordance with the Annual Roadworks programme.

12AM    It is an objection of the Council to  carry out road safety improvements measures at Victoria Bridge, Ahenny.


​​​​​​​ Roads Development Management Requirements:
  • To ensure that future development affecting national primary or secondary roads shall be assessed in accordance with the guidance given in Spatial Planning and National Roads - Guidelines for Planning Authorities.
  • To ensure that the required standards for sight distances and stopping sight distances are in compliance as far as possible, with current road geometry standards as outlined in the NRA document Design Manual for Roads and Bridges [4] (DMRB) specifically Section TD 41-42/09 when assessing planning applications.  In the case of single houses in the countryside such standards should not be achieved by the extensive removal of hedgerows, ditches, embankments, trees or old walls, and should be in accordance with Section 2.8 of the Rural Design Guide[5]
  • All significant development proposals will be required to have transport and traffic assessments carried out in accordance with the publication Traffic Management Guidelines [6] and the Traffic and Transport Assessment Guidelines [7] (where the development affects a national road). 
  • Planning applications involving a new access or significant changes to an existing access to a national road, will be required to include a Road Safety Audit. 


[1] Kilkenny County Council, Hebron Road Urban Design Strategy, 2017

[5] Kilkenny County Council, Rural Design Guide, 2008


