12.11.7 National Road Policy

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
12.11.7 National Road Policy

The Council will support the implementation of the TII projects as outlined above and will preserve free from development proposed road realignment/improvement lines and associated corridors where such development would prejudice the implementation of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) or County Council plans (See Figure 12.1). The Council will furthermore co-operate with the TII to identify the need for service areas and/or rest areas for motorists along the routes of the M8/M9 and assist in the implementation of suitable proposals for provision of service and/or rest areas

In this regard the Council will as a priority facilitate the development of a link road from the N10/motorway access roundabout to the old Dublin road (R712) in conjunction with TII.


12X        To develop and agree an appropriately planned policy response to access the N10 roundabout at Blanchfieldslands near Hebron House in Kilkenny City

12Y        To investigate a link between the Hebron industrial estate/business park to the link road, see objective above

12Z         To preserve free from development proposed road realignment/improvement lines and associated corridors where such development would prejudice the implementation of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) or County Council plans

