12.5 Cycling and Walking

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

​​​​​​12.5 Cycling and Walking

In line with the Guidance documents referred to above, the Plan will promote cycling and walking as efficient, fast and relatively inexpensive forms of transport.  Policies of Compact Growth will re- focus the design and location of residential development so as to create an urban form which is more conducive to the provision of infrastructure for public transport, walking and cycling. The improved provision of alternatives to the private car should bring about a reduction in demand for private car journeys and a commensurate increase in public transport, walking and cycling.  Providing public transport and a network of safe, well-lit and convenient footpaths and cycleways within residential areas with links to schools, local neighbourhood centres, public transport stops and workplaces will encourage walking and cycling. 

Various initiatives can contribute to an increase in walking and cycling.  An example of this is the Walking bus, which consists of adults walking groups of pupils to and from school along set routes, with children joining the walking bus at various pick-up points along the route.  This programme encourages children to walk, and so get used to this means of travel.  

A National Cycle Policy Framework[1] 2009-2020 was published in 2009.  This sets out a series of interventions and instruments to reverse the decline in cycling numbers, which includes planning and infrastructure measures.  The approach recommended is a hierarchy of measures, including:

  • reducing volumes of through-traffic, especially HGVs, in city and town centres and especially in the vicinity of schools and colleges;
  • calming traffic / enforcing low traffic speeds in urban areas;
  • making junctions safe for cyclists and removing the cyclist-unfriendly multi-lane one-way street systems.

Other interventions include the following:

  • Schools will be a strong focus of the National Cycle Policy Framework.
  • Support for the provision of dedicated signed rural cycling networks building on Fáilte Ireland’s Strategy to Develop Irish Cycling Tourism[2].  This will cater for recreational cyclists as well as visitors.
  • Ensuring that all surfaces used by cyclists are maintained to a high standard and are well lit.
  • Ensuring that all cycling networks – both urban and rural – are sign-posted to a high standard.
  • Supporting the provision of secure and sheltered bicycle parking at all destinations of importance to the cyclist.


As outlined in Chapter 8, Open Space and Recreation, two Greenways are under development at present within the county, one of which is the Waterford to New Ross Greenway, known as the South East Greenway, incorporating the Kilkenny Greenway, and the other is the Rosslare to Waterford Greenway.  Greenways are an important element of cycling infrastructure. Greenways and Blueways also have a significant recreational use and benefit and this aspect is dealt with in more detail in Chapter 8 including specific objectives. 


