13.21.1 Plot Ratio

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
​​​​​​13.21.1 Plot Ratio

Plot ratio is the relationship between site area and the total floor area of the buildings erected on it.  The plot ratio is calculated by dividing the gross floor area of the building by the site area.

Plot ratio = Gross Floor Area divided by gross site area.

The purpose of plot ratio is to prevent adverse effects of both over-development and under-development on the amenity and the layout of buildings, to achieve desirable massing and height of buildings, to balance the capacity of the site and street frontages. It is recommended that a maximum plot ratio of 2.0 be set for urban areas and 1.0 for all other areas.  The Planning Authority will permit higher plot ratios only in cases where exceptional standards of design are achieved.

