13.24.1 Fascia Signage

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
13.24.1 Fascia Signage

As a general principle, fascia signs should be simple in design and not excessive in illumination or size.  The following basic guidelines will be applied in assessing planning applications for fascia signage in architectural conservation areas (the term ‘shopfront’ is used to refer to all commercial ground floor facades including restaurants, public houses etc.):

  • Hand painted timber fascia’s will be encouraged in existing traditional shopfronts.   
  • Plastic derived fascias will not be permitted in new or existing shopfronts. 
  • Internally illuminated box fascia’s will not be permitted. 
  • Natural materials (e.g. wood, metal etc.) will be permitted.  Man-made materials (e.g. plastic, uPVC etc.) will not be permitted.  

The construction of nameplate fascia’s linking two or more buildings is generally unacceptable.

