13.29 Tree and Hedgerow Preservation

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

13.29 Tree and Hedgerow Preservation

To ensure that trees and hedgerows are protected on a site which has been the subject of a grant of planning permission, a cash lodgement/bond may be required, the amount of which shall be determined by the Planning Authority.

Development will not generally be permitted where there is likely damage or destruction either to trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order or those which have a particular local amenity or nature conservation value, or are listed in the Survey of Mature Trees in City and Environs. 

Development that requires the felling of mature trees of amenity value, conservation value or special interest, even though they may not be listed in the Development Plan, will be discouraged.

The replacement of hedgerows/trees shall have due regard to the ecological function of hedgerows as a wildlife corridor. When planting new hedgerows, a mixture of native species shall be proposed and this shall occur at the commencement of building works and should link to existing hedgerows to aid ecological networks.

Where trees and hedgerows are identified and affected by a proposed development, a survey will be required and completed in accordance with BS 5837 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations 2012.

In general, the following requirements should be addressed where the protection of existing trees and landscaping issues arise:

  • Topographical Survey - Accurately measured showing all relevant site features.
  • Soil assessment – where appropriate to determine whether a soil is shrinkable, that may cause the potential for indirect damage.  Soil structure composition and PH for the provisions of new planting.
  • A tree survey - details trees and hedgerows identified on the topographical survey and on land adjacent to the development site, including individual trees, groups of trees and woodlands. Identifying tree dimensions, quality and retention value in accordance with the context of the proposed development (see sections 4.5 Table 1+2 of BS 5837).
  • The tree survey - should identify the constraints posed by trees, both above and below ground, which will inform the site layout design. Constraints include, the presence of a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), the existing and eventual crown spreads of trees and their unreasonable obstruction of light etc.
  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment - a report should be compiled by an arboriculturist using the data collated from the site survey. The report should assess the impact and the effects the proposed design has directly and indirectly on the trees and where necessary recommends mitigation.
  • A Tree Protection Plan – details the proposed design layout shown on a plan with all trees clearly identified with their root protection areas (RPA) annotated based on the topographical survey to include all trees. The classification of each tree and the required protection measures during development.

New Planting – takes account of existing landscape features and is essential for consideration in the layout, design and future use of a proposed development. New planting should account for the future growth of canopies, stems and root systems to maturity and their potential effects on existing site structures.​​​​​​​

  • Arboricultural Method Statements – demonstrates how unavoidable construction operations may take place within the RPA or crown spread of trees (whichever is greatest), clearly demonstrating how these operations will have a little detriment to retained trees. These operations may include but are not exclusive to: -
  1. Temporary access
  2. Installation of service runs
  3. Construction of hard standing
  4. Foundation excavations
  5. Subterranean structures e.g. basement extensions

