13.5 Infill Development

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

13.5 Infill Development

The Council will also have regard to the Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas (Cities, Towns and Villages) Guidelines for Planning Authorities (DEHLG, 2009) Infill development:

“Infill” residential development may range from small gap infill, unused or derelict land and “backland” areas, up to larger residual sites or sites assembled from a multiplicity of ownerships. Sub-division of sites can be achieved where large houses on relatively extensive sites can accommodate new residential development without unduly impacting the existing residential amenity. “Backlands” development generally refers to lands to the rear of existing dwellings which may, with the appropriate coordinated access and service interventions, give rise to opportunities for new development. New developments, particularly in established built up areas can only be developed with the appropriate consideration of existing neighbouring amenity.

Availing of development opportunities for infill sites will need to be sensitive to the potential of them imposing on existing neighbouring structures in terms of encroachment, overlooking and overshadowing. The potential for the development of such sites, which includes backland locations, should be considered on a site by site basis and will only be acceptable where the developer can show that the development is able to comply with certain minimum requirements.

In order to advance this process in Kilkenny City a study of the opportunities that exist with accompanying guidance will be carried out. It is Council policy to facilitate infill development where minimum requirements can be met and where the proposed development will not materially impact the residential amenity or character of neighbouring developments.


13A     To compile an analysis and a development guidance criterion for housing opportunities in Kilkenny City’s backland areas, underutilised lands and brownfield sites.


​​​​​​​ Development Management Requirements for Urban Infill Development:
Infill with Multiple units on larger sites:

Infill/brownfield developments will be subject to normal siting and design criteria, which include sufficient access in accordance with DMURS. Where sites are substantial enough and not located in an Architectural Conservation Area (ACA), developments thereon can sensitively create their own character. Each application will however be assessed on its own merit and apart from the requirement that new structures do not impact negatively on the amenity of proximate structures, sufficient access compliant with DMURS, the availability of service infrastructure, and exceptional quality of design are foremost requirements. In this regard, multiple units will need to address best practise in terms of meeting the 12 Urban Design Criteria set out in the Design Manual, Best Practice Guide, 2009, as well as the Design Manual on Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) where applicable. Where located within an ACA, proposals will need to show that they will not negatively impact on the character of the Architectural Conservation Area.

For large site applications the Planning Authority may require an appropriate Master Plan dealing with movement, public realm, design, and other issues that are best addressed at a neighbourhood level.

Smaller single unit infill sites:

For single unit infill developments (permanent subdivision), the following requirements should be met;

  • normal plot ratio and site coverage requirements
  • in the case of development proposals with access from communal access roads (back lanes), such communal access roads shall be improved to comply with DMURS standards or such relaxation as determined by the Planning Authority;
  • Where accessing from existing public roads, have direct access via an access road at least 3m in width along its entire length;
  • the proposal must provide a minimum of 25sqm of consolidated usable private open space, reserved exclusively for use of the infill unit. The original unit should also retain at least a minimum 25 sqm of consolidated usable private open space;
  • Structures should maintain a setback distance of at least 7.5m from the rear of any neighbouring house;
  • Structures must not unduly overlook any neighbouring house or private open space from upper floor levels and orientation and setback are important in this regard (22m rule applies between opposing first floor windows unless good merit exists for relaxation);
  • Structures must not unduly overshadow or encroach on any neighbouring house and a shadow path impact analysis may be required;
  • The proposed development must not unduly affect the character of the immediate environs, including ACAs or neighbouring protected structures;

Each application shall be considered on its own merit and in accordance with the principles of proper planning and sustainable development.

