3.1.3 Nationality
3.1.3 Nationality
The 2016 Census provides the breakdown of different nationalities within the state and compare that to the county. In the state the largest Non-Irish nationality is that of the Polish community accounting for 2.61% of the national population.
Table 3.6 Nationalities living in the State |
Nationality |
Number |
% |
Ireland |
4,082,513 |
87.04 |
UK |
103,113 |
2.19 |
Poland |
122,515 |
2.61 |
Lithuania |
36,552 |
0.77 |
Other EU 28 |
146,738 |
3.12 |
Rest of World |
126,557 |
2.69 |
Not stated |
71,933 |
1.53 |
Total |
4,689,921 |
The census shows that 90% of the population of the county identify as being Irish in nationality. Of the 10% of non-Irish nationals in the County, the Polish community now make up the largest number at 2.34% of the of the county population, or 2,305 persons.
Table 3.7 Nationalities living in County Kilkenny |
Nationality |
Number |
% |
Ireland |
88,938 |
90.63 |
UK |
2,128 |
2.16 |
Poland |
2,305 |
2.34 |
Lithuania |
401 |
0.40 |
Other EU 28 |
2,195 |
2.23 |
Rest of World |
1,186 |
1.20 |
Not stated |
972 |
0.99 |
Total |
98,125 |
On further analysis of the Census figures, it can be seen that the majority of the Polish community in the county live in Kilkenny City at 1,257, accounting for 4.85% of the City’s population at 2016.