5.2.7 Camping/Glamping

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
​​​​​​5.2.7 Camping/Glamping sites

The Council recognises that the provision of camping sites is an important element in the range of tourist accommodation offers.  While the Council considers that camping sites should be located on appropriately zoned land within or adjacent to existing settlements, small scale camping sites may be appropriate in a rural location removed from any settlement where they support rural tourism initiatives developed upon rural enterprise, natural heritage assets and outdoor recreational activities.  In general, camping sites should be located at appropriate locations within or adjacent to existing settlements where such proposals demonstrate the provision of safe pedestrian links to the settlement.  Proposals for camping sites to complement a high potential tourism asset such as the Greenway, or other walking trails etc, should be located in existing settlements or at established centres which provide existing services to tourists, subject to the capacity of the site and the location to facilitate the proposal.  The planning authority may facilitate proposals for camping sites which support rural tourism initiatives and which are located at a rural location removed from any settlement or high potential tourism asset, subject to the capacity of the site and the location to facilitate the proposal. The scale of any tourism accommodation will be determined by the nature and scale of the existing tourist attractions and/or the extent of existing underutilised agricultural/commercial/ancillary building stock available for reuse for the purposes of tourist accommodation and ancillary services.

Proposals for the provision of standalone campervan facilities i.e. designated parking bays/electrical supply, within car parks, will be considered in terms of the availability of surplus car parking and the capacity of the site and the location to facilitate the proposal.

