5.4.6 Retail Objectives

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
5.4.6 Retail Objectives:

5M         To ensure that Kilkenny County possesses a clear policy framework that can adequately meet the retail needs of the County’s residents over the plan period,

5N          To sustain and enhance the vitality and viability of the four District Towns and their retail offer, and to support their continued growth in accordance with the Core Strategy.

5O          To ensure all new development respect and enhances the historic environment;

5P           To ensure that the synergies between tourism and retailing are taken advantage of.

5Q          To improve the accessibility of each of the County’s town centres and promote all modes of transport.

5R           To enhance and promote the vitality and viability of Kilkenny City Centre, and to support the centre’s role as the dominant retail destination within the County;

5S           Promote Kilkenny City Centre as a shopping destination that is competitive with other comparable shopping destinations in the South East and further afield;

5T           To promote a mix of uses within the County’s centres, and, promote residential development on upper floors.

5U          To ensure a town centre first approach is adopted for all future retail development across the County, whereby the order of priority for the sequential approach will be City and Town Centre sites first, then edge-of-centre sites, and then out-of-centre sites;

5V          To encourage the reduction in vacant floorspace, taking into account suitability, obsolescence, and potential alternative uses that may be appropriate where possible,

5W         To facilitate the regeneration and reuse of derelict buildings in appropriate locations for town centre uses and support the retention and maintenance of heritage premises and shopfronts.

5X           To promote investment in Place-Making and high-quality public realm through new development, and the enhancement of existing public realm in the City as well as throughout the County’s centres. The aim is to provide more attractive and vibrant urban centre and village locations, supporting retail activity and the wider commercial economy of our settlements and thereby increase footfall;

5Y           Promote the adaptive reuse of existing units as a priority ahead of developing sites for additional retail floorspace, unless there is a demonstrated need;

5Z           a joint Retail Strategy shall be undertaken between Kilkenny County Council and Waterford City and County Council for the area covered by the Waterford Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP) in accordance with the retail guidelines and RSES.

5Aa        To appropriately manage car parking and accessibility in the short term, whilst also planning for the transition to sustainable modes of transport looking ahead to a future where private vehicle travel may not be the dominant form of transport;

These retail planning objectives provide an overarching guide for the future of retail and town centre development. In adhering to these objectives, the goal of the Kilkenny City and County Retail Strategy 2021-2027, will be to encourage the growth of healthy, vibrant and resilient city and town centres.

