6.1 Housing

Building strong, inclusive communities is a key element in achieving sustainable development objectives. The delivery of housing in the appropriate location and the creation of sustainable communities requires not only economic development, but also provision of and access to education, health and community support services, amenities and leisure services and a good quality-built environment.

The availability and supply of housing to meet the required demand is a critical element in maintaining the competitiveness of the County and its attractiveness as a place to live and invest.

Placemaking, compact growth, active land management, and addressing the impact of climate change are some of the key themes of both the National Planning Framework (NPF) and Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES). The Council’s role is to formulate a planning policy for housing, consider planning applications for private housing, ensure that sufficient lands are zoned to meet the projected housing demand and provide houses or facilitate the provision of social and affordable housing for those unable to house themselves. The County Council is both the housing authority and the planning authority. In these roles it has the capacity to influence the supply, location and scale of new housing within its functional area.

The Council’s core objective in relation to the provision of housing is to ensure that every household has accommodation suitable to their needs, located in a suitable environment, at a price or rent it can afford.

The Settlement Strategy outlined in Chapter 4 has taken cognisance of these themes and will support the implementation of the National and Regional Strategic Outcomes and Policy Objectives for population and settlement growth set out in the NPF and RSES.

