6.12 Community Facilities

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

​​​​​​6.12 Community Facilities

Community facilities are essential to the well-being and functioning of populated areas.  These facilities include health clinics, hospitals, schools, churches, shopping facilities, libraries, community halls and burial grounds.

The primary role of the Planning Authority is to reserve sufficient lands within the settlement centres to meet likely future demands for community infrastructure. A recurring problem with respect to the provision of this infrastructure is its timely provision in conjunction with new housing.  The Council will reserve sites for community facilities as appropriate and seek to remedy deficiencies in existing developed areas.  The Council will locate community facilities within existing settlements and where population levels warrant a particular service, and will liaise with community groups and to assist community initiatives subject to the availability of resources.

The preferred option for the Planning Authority is for new and existing buildings to facilitate and provide for a range of compatible community uses. The Planning Authority will investigate opportunities for multi-purpose use to ensure that communities are best served without duplication of effort.  It is important that the greatest possible use of a building is made, thereby providing community and leisure facilities close to the areas where they are needed.  The Council will ensure that, where practicable, community, recreational and open space facilities are clustered, with the community facilities being located in local centres or combined with school facilities as appropriate. Community facilities should be located close to or within walking distance of housing, accessible to all sectors of the community and facilitate multi-use functions through their design and layout.

