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- Kilkenny City and County Draft Development Plan 2021-2027
- 6.14 Social Capital
6.14 Social Capital
6.14 Social Capital
Social Capital may be defined as that which accrues to a person or group as a result of their active participation in the life of their communities. For example, social capital is said to be gained from neighbourliness, local area networking or volunteering.
The Council is committed to the Agenda 21 process of building partnerships between local authorities and local development and other sectors to develop and implement local policies for the development of sustainable communities. This commitment involves a wide range of public consultation in the actions taken by the local authority from plan making and policy formulation to implementation of specific projects such as Kilkenny Age Friendly County Initiative, Kilkenny Integration Forum as well as capital projects involving local community leadership. The Council will promote the development of social capital by providing opportunities for interaction, participation and the co-ordinated provision of public services.
Local Community Development Committees, or LCDCs, were established in each local authority area as a way of improving community development and giving local government a more central role in local and community development. A key function of the LCDC is to prepare the community elements of 6-year Local Economic and Community Plans (LECPs).
The Council will work with statutory, voluntary, private sector and community groups, including the LCDC, to identify, facilitate and support the provision of public and social services in areas of identified need in the city and county.
The Council will promote and advance social inclusion and development in the county by ensuring the co-ordinated delivery of services and facilities and will seek to build social capital by integrating the social, community and cultural requirements of the county in the future planning and sustainable development of the County in accordance with the Settlement and Core Strategies.
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