6.15 Social Inclusion
6.15 Social Inclusion
Planning affords an opportunity to facilitate and deliver a more socially inclusive society through better integration and greater accessibility at all stages of the life cycle. Housing, education, health and transport are four key areas where social inclusion can be improved; for example, through universal design of buildings to deliver greater accessibility for all, or co-location of community facilities and uses to ensure communities are active during the day and into the evening[1].
The Council seeks to reduce barriers to participation in all areas such as education, recreation, employment and health. The Council is also conscious of the need to ensure that minority groups, people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds, the travelling community, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, the elderly, children and young people are recognised as valuable members of the community.
According to Census 2016, 14.5% of Ireland’s population now identify themselves with ethnic groups with roots in other countries and whose cultures are quite different to that of the majority population; while a further 0.66% at least are re-affirming their distinct Traveller cultural identity. The corresponding figures for Kilkenny are a little lower at 10% and 0.56% respectively, but no less significant.
The Council will support social inclusion measures including the revitalisation of areas by physical regeneration, planning, investment and community development and measures to improve educational attainment levels, upskilling in key competencies and skills acquisition.
Universal Design and Lifetime Housing in accordance with best practice and the policies and principles contained in Building for Everyone: A Universal Design Approach (National Disability Authority, 2012) and Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas: Guidelines for Planning Authorities and its companion document Urban Design Manual (DEHLG, 2008) will be promoted through the delivery of the Plan
The Council supports a socially inclusive society, through the provision of appropriate community infrastructure, located in local centres or where easily accessible to communities and that is designed appropriately for accessibility and ease of use for all.
[1] National Planning Framework page 84