6.17.1 Age Friendly Town

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
6.17.1 Age Friendly Town

In 2019 Thomastown was designated as County Kilkenny’s first Age Friendly Town. To achieve this status, the ‘Thomastown Age Friendly Town Plan 2019’[1] was published.  This document sets out the vision for the town alongside the actions to achieve that vision and address the key issues facing older people, which have been identified by the older people of Thomastown.

As part of the move towards achieving ‘Age Friendly’ status for Thomastown a number of issues were highlighted.  A significant level of work in terms of identifying the areas to be addressed was carried out by the Thomastown Age Friendly Town Committee. The issues included the provision of age friendly seating, age friendly bus stops (at appropriate locations in the town) and also carried out a detailed Walkability study which identified a number of areas which require attention. These issues have been collated and will form the Thomastown Age Friendly Action Plan.

The Thomastown Local Area Plan supports the concept and vision for Thomastown as a sustainable age friendly community.

The Council will support the actions set out in Kilkenny Age Friendly County Strategy 2017 – 2022 regarding the implementation of Age Friendly principles in the planning, design and delivery of physical infrastructure, public realm works, business and commercial premises as resources permit.


[1] https://www.kilkennycoco.ie/eng/Services/Community_Culture/Age_Friendly_County_Initiative/Thomastown-Age-Friendly-Town-Plan-2019.pdf

