6.2 The Making of Place

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

6.2 The Making of Place

The National Strategic Outcomes in Chapter 1 and the National Policy Objectives in Chapter 2 of the NPF set a Framework to make our cities, towns and villages the places where many more people choose to live, as well as to work and visit, by 2040[1].

It is the policy of the Council to make our city, and the towns and villages within the County more attractive and ‘liveable’ places that will offer a quality of life that more people are willing to choose in the years ahead.

There are also critical links between the quality of urban place-making and business investment/job creation. Place-making is identified as a key differentiator in Enterprise 2025, Ireland’s National Enterprise Policy 2015-25. It is a priority of the enterprise strategy to “realise the full potential of our regions through investments in place-making – developing places that are attractive for business investment and for people to live and work[2]

An important policy of the Council is to revitalise our towns and villages and spaces through creative and regenerative place-making, to assist in the delivery of compact growth.  The Council is embarking on a significant programme of town and village renewal works throughout the County under the Town and Village renewal schemes.  These schemes will assist in improving the quality of the public realm and assist in the making of Place.

Strategic Objectives:

6A          To ensure the creation of attractive, liveable, well designed, high quality urban places that are home to diverse and integrated communities that enjoy a high quality of life and well-being.

6B           To secure through the application of Development Management Requirements within the Plan the making of quality urban spaces embodying inclusive and universal access design principles for our building stock, public realm, amenities and transport services.



[1] Government of Ireland, National Planning Framework, 2018, page 54

[2] Enterprise 2025 Renewed Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation March 2018 page vii

Note: Project Ireland 2040, and the National Development Plan 2018-2027, are key instruments to realise the potential of our regions. All Government Departments align their capital expenditure to realise the ambition set out in Project Ireland 2040 and to achieve the desired outcomes over the coming decade



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