6.4 Housing Strategy/ Housing Needs Demand Assessment
6.4 Housing strategy/Housing Needs Demand Assessment
As part of the preparation of the Housing Strategy, see Appendix B, a Housing Needs Demand Assessment was undertaken to inform key decisions on housing need and supply.
Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 requires that housing strategies be drawn up by planning authorities and integrated into their development plans.
The housing strategy shall:
- Include an estimate of, and provision for, the existing need and the likely future need for housing in the area covered by the development plan. The Planning Authority shall ensure that sufficient and suitable land is zoned in its development plan for residential use (or for a mixture of residential and other uses), to meet the requirements of the housing strategy and to ensure that a scarcity of such land does not occur at any time during the period of the development plan.
- Take into account the need to ensure that housing is available for persons who have different levels of income, and for those in need of social or affordable housing in the area. A housing strategy shall therefore provide that as a general policy a specified percentage, not being more than 10% of the land zoned in the development plan for residential use, or for a mixture of residential and other uses, shall be reserved for social and/or affordable housing.
- Ensure that a mixture of house types and sizes is developed to reasonably match the requirements of the different categories of households, as may be determined by the Planning Authority, including the special requirements of elderly persons and persons with disabilities.
- Counteract undue segregation in housing between persons of different social backgrounds. The Planning Authority may indicate in respect of any residential area that there is no requirement for social/affordable housing in respect of that area, or that a lower percentage than that specified in the housing strategy may instead be required.
The needs of various groups, including the homeless, travellers and the elderly are addressed as part of the Housing Strategy. A Housing Strategy has been prepared for the period 2021 - 2027 for Kilkenny City and County. This Strategy is incorporated into the Development Plan in Appendix B. The principal features to emerge from the analysis presented in this housing strategy are as follows:
- Based on the Implementation Roadmap for the National Planning Framework[1] and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy, for the period 2016 to 2027, housing provision for a total of 4,307 new households will be required to meet the population targets set for County Kilkenny.
- The existing local authority waiting list is c.1,988[2], a decrease of 888 (30%) from 2010
- The availability of zoned land is not expected to act as a constraint over the course of the Development Plan 2021– 2027
It is the view of the Planning Department that the requirements of Part V of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 in relation to any particular site should be incorporated into any development proposal at an early stage in the development process. The Council will therefore require housing developers to whom the 10% requirement will apply to discuss the likely terms of Part V agreements at pre-planning consultations. Both the Council and the developer would thus have a common understanding of the nature of the likely agreement before detailed designs are prepared for any planning application.
Conditions attached to planning permissions for residential development will require developers to enter into an agreement with the Council in relation to the provision of social and affordable housing in accordance with the housing strategy.
The Housing Strategy also identified that there will be a requirement for a greater mix of unit types due to an increase in the number of single persons requiring accommodation.
The various options for compliance are set down in the Section 96(3) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended. The following preferred options are available to satisfy the requirements of the housing strategy, in descending order of preference of Kilkenny County Council –
Option 1
Build and transfer to the ownership of the planning authority, or persons nominated by the authority, of a number of housing units on the site subject to the planning application (section 96(3) paragraph (b)(i)).
Provision of units within the proposed development is the preferred Part V solution. Units should be spread throughout the scheme insofar as possible, and delivered in accordance with any proposed phasing of development.
Housing Unit types and sizes must be agreed with Kilkenny County Council Housing Section at pre-planning stage. Details of social housing need in the relevant areas can be supplied to developers on request.
Option 2
Transfer, to the ownership of the planning authority, of a part or parts of the land subject to the planning application (section 96(3) paragraph (a)). This land may be fully or partially serviced by the Developer.
Option 3
Transfer to the ownership of the planning authority, or persons nominated by the authority, of housing units on any other land in the functional area of the planning authority (section 96(3) paragraph (b)(iv)).
This would be subject to units being deemed suitable by Kilkenny County Council. Second hand houses are not the preferred option, new houses in a turnkey condition are preferred.
Option 4
Grant a lease of housing units to the Council either on the site subject to the application or in any other area within the functional area of the planning authority (section 96(3) paragraph (b)(iva)). This option of leasing units might only be considered where the development consists of apartments only, but it is not a preferred solution.
An agreement that provides for a combination of options 1-4 above can also be entered into.
The Council will continue to meet social and affordable housing needs in the towns, villages and rural areas of the county in a balanced way avoiding over-concentration in any one particular area.
The Council recognises the important role played by the voluntary sector in meeting social housing need and will support and facilitate the expansion of that role.
The Council will seek to meet the increased demand for social and affordable housing in a number of ways as a housing authority through,
- the sale of sites scheme,
- the Voluntary Housing Sector and the Rental subsidy scheme,
- the capital assistance scheme,
- Housing Aid for Older People Grant
- Housing Adaptation Grant for a Person with a Disability
- Mobility Aids Grant Scheme and other measures,
- the Homeless Forum initiative, and
- Travellers Accommodation programme
[1] Government of Ireland, Implementation Roadmap for the National Planning Framework, 2018
[2] Housing Section, April 2020.