7. Infrastructure and Environment

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

7. Infrastructure and Environment

7.1 Water Services

As outlined in Volume 1 Chapter 10 Infrastructure and Environment, from the 1st January 2014, Irish Water became responsible for all public water services, involving the supply of drinking water and the collection, treatment and disposal of wastewater.

7.1.1 Waste Water

Kilkenny city is serviced for waste water treatment by the Purcellsinch waste water treatment plant. It has sufficient capacity to serve the City and its projected growth into the future.

7.1.2 Water Supply

Kilkenny City is served by the Troyswood water treatment plant and the Radestown water reservoir.

In 2018 Irish Water was granted planning permission for an upgrade and extension of the water treatment plant (WTP) at Troyswood and the construction of a new treated water rising main between Troyswood WTP and Radestown WTP.  On completion of this project the Troyswood plant would be the location of all processing activity for treated water for the City.

The Council will work with Irish Water to protect existing water and wastewater infrastructure in the City and facilitate the development of new infrastructure aligned with the City’s Core strategy.

See Volume 1 Section 10.1 Water Services


7.2 Gas

Kilkenny city is served by a natural gas network and gas is widely available within the City.

7.3 Telecommunications


7.3.1 Fibre Broadband

Kilkenny City is serviced by a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) of ducting and fibre optic cable laid within a metropolitan area which can be used by a variety of businesses and organisations to provide services including, but not limited to, telecoms, high speed broadband, television, telematics and CCTV.

There are also private operators which offer high speed fibre broadband to commercial and residential customers within the City.

7.4 Smart city

The smart city/smart region concept aims to make our cities and their hinterlands more efficient and liveable by embedding smart technology across all functions.  These smart concepts include smarter transport networks, upgraded water supply and waste disposal and more efficient ways to light up and heat the city and its buildings.  However, the successful implementation of this concept is very much reliant on access to broadband, fibre technologies, wireless networks and associated infrastructure.

Kilkenny City is serviced by such infrastructure as outlined above.

It is the policy of the Council to develop the smart City concept for Kilkenny City as the opportunity arises.

It is Council policy to support the delivery of high capacity Information Communications Technology Infrastructure, broadband connectivity and digital broadcasting, throughout the County, in order to ensure economic competitiveness for the enterprise and commercial sectors and in enabling more flexible work practices e.g. remote working.

See Volume 1 Section 10.4.1 Digital Connectivity


7.5 Flooding

A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment has been carried out for the City and County Development Plan as part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment.

It is Council policy to adopt a comprehensive risk-based planning approach to flood management to prevent or minimise future flood risk. In accordance with the Planning System and Flood Risk Management – Guidelines for Planning Authorities, the avoidance of development in areas where flood risk has been identified shall be the primary response.

7.5.1 Surface Water Drainage

The Council seeks to ensure the sustainable management of surface water discharges and to minimise the risk of flooding by requiring new development in the City through the incorporation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in new developments.

See Volume 1 Sections 10.2.6 to 10.2.8






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