8.1 Introduction

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

​​​​​​8.1 Introduction

Open space performs a wide range of functions relating to amenity, biodiversity, education, social and community benefits, and health benefits. Public Open Space is a key element in defining the overall quality of the residential environment. As well as providing passive and active recreational benefits for residents, open space enhances the aesthetic and environmental quality of a neighbourhood or town and promotes social interaction.  The Council is committed to the protection and sustainable development of the amenities of the county for recreational purposes to benefit residents and to aid in the promotion of tourism.  

The Council, with the assistance of relevant agencies and sporting organisations in Kilkenny, will seek to:

  • preserve and improve amenities and recreational facilities, and shall facilitate and provide for the extension of recreational amenities where appropriate, subject to environmental, heritage and financial considerations.
  • Increase levels of local participation, improve access and promote the development of opportunities for the benefit of all groups of the population to become involved in sports and recreation, in conjunction with Kilkenny Recreation and Sports Partnership (www.krsp.ie.). 

The Council will use its powers under the Planning & Development Acts to ensure that adequate recreational open space and facilities are provided for all groups of the population at a convenient distance from their homes and places of work.  Residents, workers, and visitors to Kilkenny benefit from a rich natural heritage, including its rivers valleys, wetlands, woodlands and uplands.  These natural heritage components plus open spaces and playing fields form part of the interconnected networks of Green Infrastructure. 

This Chapter addresses open space provision in general.  Requirements for the provision of private and public open space as part of any planning application are set out in Chapter 13. 

