8.2.4 Protection of Open Space

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
8.2.4 Protection of Open Space

The Council will not normally permit development which is not compatible with or would result in the loss of green infrastructure or land zoned for recreational or open space purposes.  An exception may be considered where one or more of the following requirements are demonstrably met:

  • There is a clear excess of playing fields or open space provision within the area. This should take into account the long‐term needs of the community, the type, recreational, amenity value and accessibility of such provision.
  •  Alternative compensatory provision is made which is both accessible to and of equal or greater quality and benefit to the community served by the existing open space.
  • The continued use, proper maintenance and enhancement of the amenity/facility can best be achieved by the redevelopment of a portion of the site that will not adversely affect its overall sporting, recreational, amenity or place making value of the facility.
  • The site is indicated for an alternative use in this Development Plan.

