8.5 Recreation and Sporting Facilities

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00

​​​​​​8.5 Recreation and Sporting Facilities

There are a large number of built recreation and sporting facilities provided throughout the county through a mix of public, private, schools, community facilities and voluntary organisations.  Hurling and equestrian pursuits are of considerable importance to the county.  Outdoor facilities include GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association), Soccer and other playing pitches, golf courses, pitch and putt courses, equestrian facilities and athletic running tracks.  Some of these facilities also combine other uses – such as the walking tracks developed around playing pitches and some facilities also combine locations with indoor facilities including swimming pools, gyms and community and sports halls catering for indoor sports – such as at the Watershed in Kilkenny City.

The Council will co-operate with local development organisations, community groups, sporting organisations and other stakeholders in the development of active recreational facilities throughout the county and to enter into joint venture arrangements where appropriate for the provision of such facilities.

