9.3.9 Floodlighting

Closed22 Dec, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Mar, 2021, 17:00
​​​​​​9.3.9 Floodlighting  

The floodlighting of buildings and structures is often regarded as a means of highlighting the significance of a structure and reflects the substantial pride that communities have in heritage sites and structures.  Notwithstanding this, floodlighting has the potential to negatively impact on both natural and built heritage.  It contributes to energy use, carbon emissions and climate change.  It can also contribute to light pollution, impinge on protected species such as bats, and affect the architectural and archaeological significance of a site.    Draft guidance “Guidelines on the Floodlighting of Monuments” has been prepared by the National Monuments Service.  

Development Management Requirements:

  • To require an assessment, including mitigation measures, of the potential environmental, visual, and heritage impacts of proposals to floodlight buildings and structures.


