Map viewer link

Closed31 Oct, 2022, 23:59 - 1 Jan, 2023, 23:59

The link below gives access to an OSI GeoHive RZLT feature service for Kilkenny.  The link will be activated by OSI at 8.00am on 1 November.,610452.5501996838,673689.3049000064,682839.3069997206,2157 

The link will activate the viewer at a central set of co-ordinates in your county and will display the land in scope along with the local authority administrative boundary.  The person accessing the viewer will be able to zoom in and out and will be able to see the dataset for the whole of the State.

When a person clicks on a polygon they will see the following field names

  1. the Parcel ID;
  2. the CSO standard local authority classification;
  3. the date added, where that date is not 1/1/2022;
  4. The land use zoning;
  5. The land use zoning description;
  6. The GZT zoning;
  7. The site area;
  8. The status;
  9. Whether it is a live site.

Submission seeking the exclusion of lands at Nyne Park from the RZLT maps
Works commenced on the site Q4, 2022. Consequently, we anticipate that the site will be fully developed by Q1, 2024 and therefore will be exempt from the RZLT. In this regard as the site will be out...