Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch Local Area Plan 2020 - Pre-draft consultation process

Closed16 Oct, 2019, 09:00 - 22 Nov, 2019, 17:00

Primary tabs


  • What is your vision for Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch and what could the Joint Local Area Plan target to assist in achieving this vision?
  • How can the unique assets and characteristics of the town be enhanced and developed to ensure a sense of place for new residential areas?



  • How can the Joint Local Area Plan support and facilitate new business and employment?
  • Should opportunity sites be identified and specific objectives formulated for underutilised areas of the town?
  • Are there specific areas of tourism that should be targeted e.g. heritage, leisure, industrial tourism? How can the Joint Local Area Plan facilitate these?


Town Centre & Retail

  • What do you like about Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch?
  • What do you feel needs to be changed and why?
  • How can the integration of the two town centres be improved?
  • How can this Joint Local Area Plan help to reduce vacancy rates and to retain and attract new uses within the town centre?
  • What type of retail facilities are needed to meet the demand of existing and future residents?


Housing & Community

  • Where should new housing be developed in Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch and how can this Joint Local Area Plan to ensure that the needs of different groups are adequately catered for?
  • Are there adequate health and childcare facilities in the town that are easily accessible to all?
  • Can you identify other possible locations appropriate for community facilities?
  • Are there sufficient facilities for younger and older residents of the town?


Walking, Cycling, Traffic & Public Health

  • Have you any specific suggestions to encourage the use of public transport, cycling and walking in Graiguenamanagh-Tinnachinch?
  • How do you think the Plan could facilitate improved access for people with impaired mobility?
  • How can traffic management be improved on the very narrow streets with on street parking
  • Are there areas where new or improved footpaths, cycle ways, roadways and links to public transport services should be provided?


Built & Natural Heritage

  • How can the landscape, natural and built heritage, green infrastructure and local biodiversity areas are suitably protected while accommodating the development needs of the town?
  • How can this LAP encourage the utilisation and enhancement of existing amenity areas such as the river and river bank to provide for both passive and active recreation?
  • Is there an adequate quantity and quality of play, open space and recreational facilities in the Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch area?
  • How best can we integrate a Green Infrastructure approach to development of lands in Graiguenamanagh-Tinnahinch?
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