Inistioge Traffic Management & Village Enhancement Scheme

Closed11 Jun, 2020, 11:20 - 10 Jul, 2020, 16:00

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Project Description and Principle Features


1.0    Brief description of the proposed works

The proposal put forward provides for the following:-

•    Public Realm upgrading of the existing streetscape using high quality paving materials;
•    Delineation of the Main Street (R700), High Street (L4216) and The Square junction;
•    Construction of new footpaths and the introduction of at-grade courtesy crossing points using materials in keeping with historical built-heritage of the village;
•    Regularisation and delineation of designated parking bays;
•    Provision of ornate street lighting and furniture including seating, bollards and tree guards;
•    Landscaping provision with the planting of semi-mature trees at appropriate locations within the paved areas;
•    Up-grading of existing road markings and signage.

Refer to proposed drawing layout in Appendix 2.

2.0    Background and reasons for scheme

It was identified in the Inistioge Local Area Plan 2004 that the full potential of the area around The Square was not realised as there is a lack of directional stability and insecurity due to the expanse of tarmacadam and the existing road pattern. It was also noted there was a lack of definition for the movement of vehicular traffic and for pedestrian movement.

To address the above shortcomings, Kilkenny County Council, as the Project Promoter, proposes to undertake a public realm enhancement and traffic management scheme within the core of the village. These works will complement the refurbishment of the monuments and metal work within the village green and the enhancement works in the green area along the River Nore, both of which will be completed over the summer. The realisation of these projects will further enhance the reputation of Inistioge as one of the finest villages in the South-east which in turn will make for a better living environment for the residents and help promote business & tourism in the area.

The primary aim is to address the above and realise the following benefits on completion of the works;-

•    The introduction of additional traffic management measures will remove the current uncertainty with respect to the layout of the High Street junction with the R700 and remove the current hap-hazard parking which fails to utilise the maximum benefit from the space available.

•    The village improvements will promote a sense of place, a new pride within the local rural community, encourage tourism in the area and support local
commercial enterprises by making the village a safer, nicer place to visit and live.
•    The proposed modifications to the existing kerb-lines to provide defined junctions, footpaths and designated parking along with the introduction of at- grade crossings will reduce traffic speeds through the village. This will ensure safer pedestrian movement within the village and reduce the dominance of motor vehicles over pedestrians.

•    The proposed layout will maximise the road space available in terms of parking and pedestrian requirements. Thereby making the area more accessible and convenient for all road users.

•    The enhanced delineation of the streetscape using materials sensitive to the historical built heritage of village will showcase the buildings and the green area.

•    Improved commercial environment within the village arising from increased foot traffic to local shops and businesses as a result of the new safer pedestrian orientated facilities providing enhanced connectivity along pedestrian desire lines.

•    Provision of additional landscaping & planting will improve the visual appearance of the area and compliment the planting in the Square.

•    The improvements arising from the scheme will in turn rejuvenate and support the local business & commercial enterprises and will also promote tourism in the area.

3.0    Design Criteria

The scheme shall be designed in accordance with the NRA Design Manual for Roads and Bridges and the DTTAS Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets.

4.0    Funding

Part funding for the project was secured via the Town and Village Renewal Scheme under the Dept. of Rural & Community Development’s “Rural Development Investment Programme, Project Ireland 2040. The enhancement works at The Square and river area are also being funded under this scheme.

Unfortunately, the available remaining grant funding is insufficient to cover the full scope of the works prescribed in this document. Thus, it is proposed that elements of the proposal will be completed in a phased basis as funding becomes available. It is intended that priority will be given to the delineation of the R700 / High Street (L4216) junction in this regard.

5.0    Habitats Directive Project Screening Assessment

The Screening for Appropriate Assessment was undertaken by Moore Group – Environmental Services in April 2020, refer to Appendix 3, Planners report also provided.

6.0    Submissions

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development dealing with the proper planning and development of the area in which the development will be carried out may be made online at;, in writing to Tim Butler, Director of Services, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny or sent to the following email address

The latest time and date for receipt of submissions on the above scheme is 4 pm Friday 10th July 2020. Submissions should be clearly marked “Inistioge Traffic Management & Village Enhancement Scheme”.

T. Butler
Director of Services Kilkenny County Council County Buildings
John Street Kilkenny


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