Proposed Amendment No.1 to the Callan Local Area Plan 2019-2028
In accordance with Section 20(3) of the Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended, notice is hereby given that Kilkenny County Council is proposing an Amendment to the Callan Local Area Plan 2019.
Amendment No. 1 to the LAP proposes to change the zoning of three sites in the Clashacollare area of Callan.
A copy of the Proposed Amendment, including Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening report and Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Report, may be inspected at the following locations for a 6 week period from 15th May to the 26th June 2024.
On this webpage, under Materials
The Planning Department, Kilkenny County Council, John Street, Kilkenny during office opening hours
Callan Area Office (during their opening hours)
Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed Amendment, SEA and AA Screening Reports made to the Planning Authority within this period will be taken into consideration in deciding on the proposed Amendment. Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are entitled to make submissions or observations on the proposed Amendment.
addressed in writing to “Senior Planner, Kilkenny County Council, John Street, Kilkenny”.
All submissions should be clearly marked ‘Callan - Amendment No 1’.
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on the Council’s consultation website. Kilkenny County Council will treat all personal data you give us as confidential. We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose of this Amendment and in accordance with the Council’s Retention Policy and the relevant Data Protection legislation.
Submissions must be received by the Planning Authority by5pm on 26th June 2024.
Callan Local Area Plan - Proposed Amendment 1
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Proposed Amendment No.1 to the Callan Local Area Plan 2019-2028
In accordance with Section 20(3) of the Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended, notice is hereby given that Kilkenny County Council is proposing an Amendment to the Callan Local Area Plan 2019.
Amendment No. 1 to the LAP proposes to change the zoning of three sites in the Clashacollare area of Callan.
A copy of the Proposed Amendment, including Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening report and Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Report, may be inspected at the following locations for a 6 week period from 15th May to the 26th June 2024.
Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed Amendment, SEA and AA Screening Reports made to the Planning Authority within this period will be taken into consideration in deciding on the proposed Amendment. Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, are entitled to make submissions or observations on the proposed Amendment.
Submissions can be made
All submissions should be clearly marked ‘Callan - Amendment No 1’.
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on the Council’s consultation website. Kilkenny County Council will treat all personal data you give us as confidential. We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose of this Amendment and in accordance with the Council’s Retention Policy and the relevant Data Protection legislation.
Submissions must be received by the Planning Authority by 5pm on 26th June 2024.
Sean McKeown,
Director of Services
Litir Chlúdaigh (Roghnach)