Section 8: Training
Section 8: Training
Fire Authorities are obliged under the Fire Services Acts 1981 and 2003 and the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 to ensure that their Firefighters and Fire Officers are adequately trained and competent to deal with tasks and varying roles they may encounter in the performance of their duties. All personnel responding to Fire and Rescue Service incidents require a minimum level of training to meet core requirements. In addition, many fire personnel will also require further training for specialist and/or supervisory roles. Furthermore, a number of Fire and Rescue Service personnel will complete Instructor Level courses in order that they in turn can instruct and direct delivery of training sessions / courses. Fire Personnel also require appropriate refresher training in all of the above throughout their careers, generally delivered either through on-station training and/or through specific refresher courses. Fire Training has traditionally been delivered at varying levels (e.g. local station, fire authority, region, national and international) and through a variety of arrangements.
Read more in Section 8 - Training - fire training, continuous training