10.1.4 Water Supply and Treatment

Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Már, 2021, 17:00
​​​​​​10.1.4 Water Supply and Treatment

The sustainable growth of the County is dependent on the provision of an adequate water supply.  A plan led approach, in accordance with the County’s Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy is required for the delivery of infrastructural services in order to ensure there is adequate capacity to support the future development of the County.  The Council will work closely with Irish Water to ensure the timely provision of infrastructure within the County in line with the Core Strategy.  The Council will continue to engage with Irish Water to ensure that the future demands of the County are provided for and will continue to promote water conservation in conjunction with Irish Water.

There are deficiencies at present in water supply schemes serving Castlecomer and Graiguenamanagh and in the Paulstown/Bennettsbridge water supply scheme within the county.  The Council will consider the provision of wells on a temporary basis to service developments in the short-term where there is a deficiency in the public water supply and where that deficiency is identified to be addressed as part of the Irish Water Investment programme.

The provision of such temporary facilities shall only be considered where the solution is environmentally sustainable and would not affect the quality status of water sources. Adequate provision shall be made by the developer for the operation and maintenance of the proposed temporary facility for the duration of its required existence and thereafter for its decommissioning and removal from site.  

The Council will work with Irish Water to protect existing water and wastewater infrastructure in the City and County and facilitate the development of new infrastructure aligned with the Core strategies.

Where public watermains are available or likely to be available and have sufficient capacity, the Council will require that new development proposals connect into the existing public water mains.

Clár ábhair
