- Baile
- Comhairliúcháin
- Kilkenny City and County Draft Development Plan 2021-2027
- 12.13 Age Friendly and Accessible Parking
12.13 Age Friendly and Accessible Parking
12.13 Age Friendly and Accessible parking
Kilkenny County Council has been actively engaged in the Age Friendly County Initiative since 2010[1], see Section 6.17 Positive Ageing.
The concept of an Age Friendly community is linked to an initiative of the World Health Organisation started in 2007. This initiative seeks to engage older people and their communities in making their communities better, healthier and safer places for older people to live and thrive. Positive ageing can be facilitated by means of various age friendly initiatives, including universal design and can be supported by the adoption of the appropriate development objectives to facilitate same (See Section 13.2 Universal Design). The delivery of such facilities has a symbiotic relationship with other segments of society as it promotes accessibility for all. It is the policy of the Council to support and facilitate the delivery of age friendly facilities in the City and all towns and villages within the County.
12AN To provide further age friendly parking spaces in Kilkenny City and the District Towns following consultation with the relevant stakeholders.
Development management Requirement:
- To require a minimum 2% of car parking spaces as accessible parking bays, to be applied at the discretion of the Council, depending on the nature of the proposal.
[1] Kilkenny County Council, Thomastown Local Area Plan, 2019
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