5.3.1 Belview Port
5.3.1 Belview Port
The Belview Port area is located approximately 5km downstream of Waterford City in the River Suir estuary. The Port at Belview is a strategic national, regional and county asset with good road and rail links. The Port is one of 5 ports of national significance within the terms of National Ports Policy 2013 and is classified as a comprehensive port on the EU’s Ten-T network. The Port is active in bulk handling, break bulk/project cargoes and container handling (Lo-Lo[1]). The bulk side of the business is predominantly import and focussed on agri-inputs. The container operation supports a wide range of imports and regional exporters from the food, pharmaceutical and other sectors. The annual value of goods through the Port was estimated at €1.7 billion in 2017 with just under 1,000 jobs in, or supported by businesses in, the port zone.
The port is a significant economic facilitator with an important role to play in the economic development of the South East and further afield. To fulfil its role, the Port needs to be positioned to deliver the infrastructure and capacity required of it in a timely manner. The Port of Waterford Company is the commercial state company responsible for the operation and development of the Port and has prepared a masterplan setting out a strategic vision to position the Port as the preferred cargo gateway for the South East Region.
The Port has a significant industrial hinterland including the IDA’s 55 ha Strategic Industrial landbank and the port has identified the need for further additional land and facilities to support port activity in the Master Plan. One of the main priorities for expansion in the Belview area is the attraction of FDI. The Belview area is dealt with in detail in the current Ferrybank/Belview Local Area Plan 2017.
The Council will support the development of the necessary port infrastructure and associated road and rail connectivity required for the development of the Port, to enhance the role of the Port as an Economic Driver for the South-East subject to the outcome of appropriate appraisal, environmental assessments and the planning process. In support of infrastructure delivery, the Council will support the continued rollout of high-speed broadband to the Belview port area within the lifetime of the Plan.
Kilkenny County Council will work with Irish Water to ensure an adequate waste water treatment plant and distribution network to service the employment lands at Belview.
The Council will also support development of freight rail services and facilities at Belview for the Port to function effectively for the State and support modal shift to freight rail as part of wider climate action programmes.
The Council will support the Port of Waterford in the development of port facilities at Belview as outlined in its strategic masterplan[2].
5J To continue to work with Transport Infrastructure Ireland to finalise an approach for access to the zoned lands along the N29 at Belview (See Chapter 12 Transport objectives).