6.16.1 Hospitals

Dúnta22 Nol, 2020, 09:00 - 12 Már, 2021, 17:00
6.16.1 Hospitals

St. Luke’s General Hospital and Lourdes Orthopaedic Hospital, Kilcreene are the two public hospitals located in the city and serving the county and wider catchment.  St. Luke’s General Hospital recently completed improvement works to include a new emergency department, a new medical assessment unit and a new day‐services ward.

In addition to these facilities, private operators provide healthcare facilities at Aut Even Private hospital on the Freshford Road.

Hospitals are also located in Thomastown and Castlecomer within the County.  Since 1952 St Columba’s Hospital has been utilised specifically for the care of older people in the region but also accommodates a day care centre which offers services to the community within the grounds of the hospital.  Castlecomer District Hospital is a 29 bed hospital with day care centre, providing acute medical care, convalescent, respite and terminal care.  It serves all of North Kilkenny.

St. Canice’s campus and its grounds comprise a significant land bank within the city. At present it contains the offices of the Health Service Executive, Lacken pitch and putt club, and the original hospital and associated outbuildings.  The site presents an opportunity for regeneration but within the context of an overall planning framework for the lands. The Council has engaged with the HSE in the preparation of a masterplan or planning framework document for the St. Canice’s hospital site in order to determine the optimal land uses for the area.  The advancement of the masterplan was stalled due to the emergence of the Covid – 19 pandemic.  Both the HSE and the Council are committed to the development of a masterplan framework for the lands and it is an objective of the Council to complete the masterplan within the Plan period.

The Council will facilitate the development and expansion of health and medical care facilities to meet the needs of the city and County, subject to normal planning and environmental criteria and the Development Management Requirements.


6N          To complete the preparation of a masterplan for the lands at St Canice’s campus in partnership with the Health Service Executive within the period of the plan (See Volume 2 Core Strategy).

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