6.7 Residential Development
6.7 Residential Development
The Core Strategy as set out in Chapter 4 outlines the range of settlements within the county and the housing required. The provision of additional housing throughout the county offers an opportunity to deliver new development of the highest physical and environmental quality that contributes to the achievement of more sustainable communities and balanced regional development.
In continuing to facilitate an increase in the number of houses the Council must ensure that it achieves quality in terms of single rural houses as well as quality in urban areas of the county. It must also ensure that there is choice in terms of location and the tenures available.
Designers of single houses are referred to the County Kilkenny Rural Design Guide[1] prepared and published by the Planning Department.
Quality in the context of urban development means the development of a high quality built environment through the promotion of high quality urban design. The Council will have regard to and apply the Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas and its companion document Urban Design Manual: A best practice guide[2], in assessing and dealing with housing developments.
In general, new residential development in smaller towns and villages will be required to take cognisance of the prevailing scale and pattern of development in the area and be of a design, layout, character and scale which fits well with the town or village involved and presents a high-quality living environment.
Further details of the standards and requirements for residential developments are set out in Chapter 13, Requirements for Development. This means that it is necessary to tailor the scale, design and layout of housing in rural towns to ensure that a suburban or high density urban approach is not applied to a rural setting and that development responds to the character, scale and density of the town (NPF 18(a))[3].
[1] Rural design guide
[2] Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Urban Design Manual: A best practice guide, 2009
[3] National Policy Objective 18a page 73