Notice of Public Consultation on Kilkenny County Council Draft Noise Action Plan 2024-2028
ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE REGULATIONS, 2018 (S.I. No. 549 of 2018, as amended)
Submissions are invited from the public on the draft Noise Action Plan 2024-2028, prepared under S.I. No. 549 of 2018 (as amended), to address environmental noise in Kilkenny (as defined in the above regulations). The draft Noise Action Plan is prepared by Kilkenny County Council supported by Noise Consultants Limited.
The draft Noise Action Plan is aimed at the strategic long-term management of environmental noise from major roads, rail and airports (as defined by the regulations). It does not apply to noise from domestic activities, neighbourhood noise, noise at workplaces or noise inside means of transport or due to military activities in military areas.
The draft Noise Action Plan 2024 – 2028 will be available for public inspection from 9.00am Monday 30th September 2024 for a period of 6 weeks until 5.00pm Monday 11th November 2024.
Submissions on the draft Noise Action Plan may be made either:
or in writing (marked Draft Noise Action Plan) to: Environment Department, County Hall 81 John Street Lower, Collegepark, Kilkenny, R95 PK20.
Submissions must be made in writing no later than 5:00pm on Monday the 25th November 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Submissions should be in one medium only i.e. online or hard copy.
Submissions should include your name and email address and where relevant, details of any organization, community group etc. you represent.
All comments, including names and addresses of those making submissions and observation, submitted to Kilkenny County Council regarding this review, may form part of a report presented at the monthly meeting of Kilkenny County Council. Accordingly, they will be included in the minutes of that meeting and may appear in the public domain. A summary of the public consultation will also be included in the final Noise Action Plan and therefore details of submissions may also appear within the final Noise Action Plan. Kilkenny County Council will retain data for no longer than is necessary and in accordance with the Councils Data Protection Policy and Privacy Statement (available to view on
Public Consultation for Kilkenny County Council Draft Noise Action Plan 2024-2028
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Notice of Public Consultation on Kilkenny County Council Draft Noise Action Plan 2024-2028
ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE REGULATIONS, 2018 (S.I. No. 549 of 2018, as amended)
Submissions are invited from the public on the draft Noise Action Plan 2024-2028, prepared under S.I. No. 549 of 2018 (as amended), to address environmental noise in Kilkenny (as defined in the above regulations). The draft Noise Action Plan is prepared by Kilkenny County Council supported by Noise Consultants Limited.
The draft Noise Action Plan is aimed at the strategic long-term management of environmental noise from major roads, rail and airports (as defined by the regulations). It does not apply to noise from domestic activities, neighbourhood noise, noise at workplaces or noise inside means of transport or due to military activities in military areas.
The draft Noise Action Plan 2024 – 2028 will be available for public inspection from 9.00am Monday 30th September 2024 for a period of 6 weeks until 5.00pm Monday 11th November 2024.
Submissions on the draft Noise Action Plan may be made either:
Submissions must be made in writing no later than 5:00pm on Monday the 25th November 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Submissions should be in one medium only i.e. online or hard copy.
Submissions should include your name and email address and where relevant, details of any organization, community group etc. you represent.
All comments, including names and addresses of those making submissions and observation, submitted to Kilkenny County Council regarding this review, may form part of a report presented at the monthly meeting of Kilkenny County Council. Accordingly, they will be included in the minutes of that meeting and may appear in the public domain. A summary of the public consultation will also be included in the final Noise Action Plan and therefore details of submissions may also appear within the final Noise Action Plan. Kilkenny County Council will retain data for no longer than is necessary and in accordance with the Councils Data Protection Policy and Privacy Statement (available to view on