Notice of Application to An Bord Pleanála for Approval
for a Facility Centre for Water Based Activities at College Park, John Street Lower, Kilkenny City, Co. Kilkenny
Pursuant to Section 177AE of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the requirements of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Kilkenny County Council intends to make an application for approval to An Bord Pleanála to carry out development which involves the construction of the ‘Nore River Facilities Kilkenny’ at a site of approximately 0.24 HA, located within the grounds of County Hall at College park, John Street Lower, Kilkenny City, Co. Kilkenny. The proposed development will consist of:
• Construction of a riverside facilities centre comprising the following;
Demolition of an existing single-storey maintenance store,
Removal of selected on-site vegetation to facilitate the works,
Single-storey facilities block with a flat, intensive green roof build-up, containing toilets, universally accessible bathroom, changing places facility, showering / changing cubicles, cleaner’s store, outdoor showers, an external plant area, storage lockers, wash trough, and a drying room,
Single-storey adjoining community block with an asymmetrical pitched roof containing a community room, associated kitchenette, and a plant room / central information point,
Adjoining external covered terrace area with a flat intensive green roof build-up,
A single-storey storage block with an asymmetrical pitched roof containing equipment storage, a dragon-boat / rowing boat storage, and a maintenance store,
A single-storey adjoining block with a mono-pitched roof containing a boat / general storage area,
A hard-landscaped pedestrian central space with raised central planter / seating, planted areas, boat wash-down area and associated surface water UV filtration system,
Proposed shared surface including a central set-down / vehicular turning area for boat loading / unloading and pedestrian use generally,
Access route to river over berm comprising a sloped access path with associated retaining wall, steps, landings, balustrading, and associated handrails,
Raised walkway from top of berm to pontoon with associated balustrading / handrails,
Part fixed / part floating access pontoon within the river,
Site services connections and drainage works including connection to existing public foul and stormwater system,
Universally accessible parking bay and covered bicycle parking area,
Public lighting to all pedestrian / vehicular / parking areas,
All necessary landscaping, site boundary and site development works.
A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
An EcIA (Ecological Impact Assessment), an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) Screening Report and a CEMP (Construction Environmental Management Plan) have also been completed in support of this application and are included as part of the plans and particulars forming this submission.
The Board may, in relation to an application for approval under section 177AE of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, approve with or without modifications, approve in part only with or without modifications, or refuse to approve.
The Natura Impact Statement, together with Plans and Particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection free of charge or may be purchased on payment of a small fee (which fee shall not exceed the reasonable cost of making such a copy) during public opening hours 9.00a.m. - 4.00p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) within the period from 29th October 2024 to 10th December 2024inclusive, at the following locations:
The offices of An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902
By appointment at Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, College park, John Street Lower, , Kilkenny, R95A39T. Appointments must be arranged in advance by emailing or by contacting (056) 7794010.
Submissions and observations are invited relating to –
The implications of the proposed development for the proper planning and sustainable development in the area in which it is proposed to situate the proposed development,
The likely effects on the environment of the proposed development and
The likely significant effects of the proposed development on a European site, if carried out.
Submissions or observations should only be made in writing to The Secretary, An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902, not later than 5.00pm on 10th December 2024.
Tim Butler, 17th October 2024
Director of Services
Kilkenny County Council
The following relevant documents are available by clicking on the right hand side of the screen
River Nore Facilities Kilkenny
Primary tabs
Notice of Application to An Bord Pleanála for Approval
for a Facility Centre for Water Based Activities at College Park, John Street Lower, Kilkenny City, Co. Kilkenny
Pursuant to Section 177AE of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the requirements of the Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Kilkenny County Council intends to make an application for approval to An Bord Pleanála to carry out development which involves the construction of the ‘Nore River Facilities Kilkenny’ at a site of approximately 0.24 HA, located within the grounds of County Hall at College park, John Street Lower, Kilkenny City, Co. Kilkenny. The proposed development will consist of:
• Construction of a riverside facilities centre comprising the following;
A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
An EcIA (Ecological Impact Assessment), an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) Screening Report and a CEMP (Construction Environmental Management Plan) have also been completed in support of this application and are included as part of the plans and particulars forming this submission.
The Board may, in relation to an application for approval under section 177AE of the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, approve with or without modifications, approve in part only with or without modifications, or refuse to approve.
The Natura Impact Statement, together with Plans and Particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection free of charge or may be purchased on payment of a small fee (which fee shall not exceed the reasonable cost of making such a copy) during public opening hours 9.00a.m. - 4.00p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) within the period from 29th October 2024 to 10th December 2024 inclusive, at the following locations:
Submissions and observations are invited relating to –
Submissions or observations should only be made in writing to The Secretary, An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902, not later than 5.00pm on 10th December 2024.
Tim Butler, 17th October 2024
Director of Services
Kilkenny County Council
The following relevant documents are available by clicking on the right hand side of the screen
1. Architect Planning report and drawings
2. Public notices
3. Landscape Report
4. Civil Engineering Report
5. Site Specific Flood Assessment
6. Environmental Impact assessment
7. Natura Impact Assessment
8. Ecological Impact Assessment
9. Construction Environmental Management Plan
10. Public Lighting Report & Layout
11. Archaeological Desktop Assessment
12. OPW Section 09 written Approval
13. Letters to Prescribed Bodies
14. Failte Ireland - Platforms for Growth