Review of the Abbey Quarter Masterplan and Design Code: Public Consultation
Phase 1: Public survey
Kilkenny County Council has just started its review of the Abbey Quarter Masterplan, first adopted in 2015. The Abbey Quarter is a once in a century opportunity to significantly improve the long-term liveability and economy of Kilkenny City. Much has already been done under the guidance of the current Masterplan, including the construction of linear park, the refurbishment of the Brewhouse office building which is fully occupied and a new City Library, which is currently under construction. As the original Masterplan is now seven years old, a comprehensive review is needed to ensure this Masterplan is in line with current thinking and best practise and can keep driving effective decision making.
In order to ensure that your needs and priorities are reflected in the revised Masterplan, Kilkenny County Council invites all those who have an interest in the sustainable development of Kilkenny City to get involved in a comprehensive public engagement programme.
This first phase of this public engagement programme comprises a short online survey in the form of a questionnaire. The aim of this anonymous questionnaire is to learn what people think about the current Abbey Quarter Masterplan and where the focus of the new document should lie. This initial survey will be followed in the new year with further public events and stakeholder meetings.
The questionnaire will be open for completion for three weeks from Nov. 21st – Dec. 12th inclusive and is now live at:
Links for the questionnaire will be available from November 21st via both and as well as on the Council’s social media channels. Paper copies of the survey are also available in the City Library.
We hope to hear your views and look forward to further future engagement on this important plan.
Denis Malone
Director of Services (Acting)