Water Sports
On behalf of Thomastown Paddlers Canoe Club (TPCC), I would like to present to you the following needs/recommenations, which we feel are worth noting in the Thomastown area section in the new County Plan.
Despite being one of the largest and most successful canoe clubs in Ireland, our facilities on the Nore are pretty non existent. While we have big plans in the pipe line, having these mentioned in the county plan, would give an even greater show of support.
We would propose the following:
1. The development of a waterside boathouse for TPCC, which could also be used as a HQ during any unfortunate river related accidents.
2. Improved access to the river Nore for TPCC including steps and ramp, which could also be used by emergency personel to access the river quickly and safely. (Presently none in Thomastown)
Should you have any questions on this submission, please feel free to contact me.
Kind regards,
Donnacha Brennan (chairman)