Pre-draft Issues Paper

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
An Taisce, Kilkenny Association
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
An Taisce, Kilkenny Association



An Taisce (Kilkenny Association) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the pre-draft issues, because asking the right questions is very important. We value the questions that Kilkenny County Council has already raised and would like to add some more.

1. Population

 Should city and town limits be designated to contain sprawl and encourage more compact settlements and active transport?

 Should we provide more communal green space with allotments in compact settlements so that a sense of community can be better developed?


2. Housing / Settlement Strategy

 Should we build over surface carparks in Kilkenny city in order to bring about densification of dwellings?

 Would it be feasible to require all new buildings and renovations to achieve higher energy standards such as NZEB (near zero energy building)?

 How can low residential use be addressed so that living centres can be achieved in the city and towns?

 Can incentives be improved to encourage micro-generation of renewable energy on individual buildings?

 Can we provide charging points for electric vehicles with all buildings?

Economic Development and Employment

3. Economic Development and Employment

 How can we build on Kilkenny’s existing reputation and skills for agribusiness, design, crafts and information technology?

 What courses in an outreach third level educational facility would best contribute to economic development and employment?

Rural Development

 What role can the Development Plan play in ensuring that agricultural production is sustainable and thus avoid carbon emissions that will lead to massive EU fines?

 Can existing legislation be better enforced so that agricultural practice does not pollute water, poison pollinators or cause loss of biodiversity?

 How can transition to less intensive agriculture, organic farming, and humane food production systems be aided?

Transport and Mobility

5. Transport and Mobility

 How can walking routes and cycling routes be made safer and more attractive in the city, towns and villages so that citizens, including children can walk from housing schemes to schools, shops, churches and other services?

 What measures are necessary to provide a park and ride facility (electric) in Kilkenny?

 How can the use of public transport be encouraged and are our transport systems sufficiently joined-up?

Environment and Climate Change

6. Environment and Climate Change

 What measures can be implemented to reduce carbon emissions in transport and housing?

 How can the Development Plan promote increased use of solar power, wind energy and anaerobic digestion of slurry?

 Can educational measures be facilitated to bring about a change in life style in the general public necessary for adapting to climate change?

 Can we plan to protect wildlife outside of designated areas in the rivers, the hedges, the fields?




 Where should coach parks be provided in order to get coaches off the roads (e.g. Castle Road) and distribute tourists around Kilkenny City?

 Why not provide parking for coaches at the periphery of the City, with transfer to the centre by electric bus?

Urban and Architectural Design

Urban and Architectural Design

 Why is our planning system failing to protect traditional shop fronts or achieve good quality design on new ones?

 Are our public spaces designed to be safe for children and for people with disabilities?

 Can we design our city, towns and villages to provide safe connectivity for pedestrians and children to walk to facilities?

 Is there a need for a city architect to avoid ugly engineered designs for public spaces and structures such as bridges?




 How can we better implement existing legislation to protect the quality of our rivers and groundwaters from agricultural runoff, forestry impacts, sewage and septic tank effluents?

 Can we encourage anaerobic digestion of slurry to protect rivers?

 How can the Development plan encourage conservation of resources, prevention of waste, and promote a circular economy in businesses located in the County?

 What measures are necessary to encourage local generation of electricity and achieve a joined-up renewable energy strategy?

Landscape, Heritage and Green Infrastructure

Landscape, Heritage and Green Infrastructure

 How can the Development Plan encourage better hedgerow maintenance in rural areas i.e. planting of native species instead of walls and fences, protection of wildflowers on banks, layered mowing of verges?

 How can green infrastructure (system of trees, parks, gardens and wild areas) be better integrated into the planning of towns and villages?

 Can we find a way to incorporate wild areas in housing estate parks that provide havens for insects, birds and small mammals?


Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 

Fiafraigh / freagra a thabhairt ar cheist nó faisnéis a bhaineann leis an submission seo a roinnt