Eco villages as models for development

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Paudie O'Neill

4 Rural Development

*In accordance with Section 11 (4) (b) (ii) of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) the zoning element of this submission cannot be considered.


To date housing estates cloned on to our towns and villages have failed to create vibrant

communities. Poor quality designed,battery hen, chicken box houses, requiring massive

retro fit , 2020--- 2030 Paris Accord ,Retro Fitting will cost Billions.

I am proposing an ECO Village , rural settlement, passive ,solar housing development.

High quality design, sun smart, environmental, sustainable ,biodiverse, tow density 1/2

acre sites.

Parking to the rear of housing (with wheelie bins, dog house ,clothes line, bicycles ect.)

Reintroducing the concept of the front garden as a leisure area, sun smart amenity for

family enjoyment.

Privacy; outer boundary of overall site, planting of native broad leaf trees ,mini wood lands

in corners. Hedgerows as driveways and site boundary , maximizing biodiversity

throughout .

Community Parks ,enhance existing wetland into a mini nature park, walk

ways ,seating , with year round usage plan.

The second park ,a more traditional play area, sports ect. (community I residents input on


Employment and inward investment;

By offering people the opportunity of High Quality Passive Solar Homes in an Eco Village

just a 10 minute cycle to the bus. A15 minute cycle to train station.emphasising the quality

of life in a rural setting ,the quality of our schools, sport facilities ect.

Housing proposal

A = 2 bed (2000 square ft)

A + B = 4 bed (2500 square ft)

A +B +C = 4 bed with e-commerce smart office ,work from home, high

speed broad band.

Planning should include A+ B + C , on site services, thus future proofing the

sustainability .

Self build 1/2 acre serviced sites {within a select design criteria ).From the day you lay

your first brick, It's your home, your community, your country.

When we speak of climate change we tend to speak of single solutions.We must focus our

2020 development plan on the life quality of generations who will out live us ,not just a 6

year plan.

Fiafraigh / freagra a thabhairt ar cheist nó faisnéis a bhaineann leis an observation seo a roinnt.