Kilkenny County Council began the formal process of reviewing the Local Area Plan for Ferrybank in 2015 and a significant level of background work has taken place to date. A pre-draft Issues Paper for the Local Area Plan is now open for comment. This Issues Paper outlines the work to date in the review of the Plan and highlights the main issues to be incorporated into the Draft Plan.
The Issues paper is published here and also on our website at
It is also available for viewing at the Ferrybank Area Office, and at the Planning counter in County Hall. A hard copy may be purchased for €5 from Planning in County Hall.
Submissions or observations regarding the preparation of the Local Area Plan may be made through this website from 18th March 2016 until 5 pm on Friday 15th April, 2016.
Alternatively, submissions may be made in writing, to the Director ofServices, Planning, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny.
All submissions/observations received on or before the 15th April 2016 will be considered by the County Council prior to the making of a draft Local Area Plan.
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing during the plan-making period.
Ferrybank Local Area Plan Pre-Draft Issues Paper 2016
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Pre-Draft Issues Paper 2016
Kilkenny County Council began the formal process of reviewing the Local Area Plan for Ferrybank in 2015 and a significant level of background work has taken place to date. A pre-draft Issues Paper for the Local Area Plan is now open for comment. This Issues Paper outlines the work to date in the review of the Plan and highlights the main issues to be incorporated into the Draft Plan.
The Issues paper is published here and also on our website at
It is also available for viewing at the Ferrybank Area Office, and at the Planning counter in County Hall. A hard copy may be purchased for €5 from Planning in County Hall.
Submissions or observations regarding the preparation of the Local Area Plan may be made through this website from 18th March 2016 until 5 pm on Friday 15th April, 2016.
Alternatively, submissions may be made in writing, to the Director of Services, Planning, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny.
All submissions/observations received on or before the 15th April 2016 will be considered by the County Council prior to the making of a draft Local Area Plan.
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing during the plan-making period.