Section 5: Fire Appliances
Section 5: Fire Appliances
Kilkenny Fire and Rescue Service maintain fire appliances in all seven (7no) fire stations throughout the county. There are a variety of different types of appliances in operation i.e. Standard Class B Pumping Fire Appliance (normal fire appliance), Emergency Tenders, Combined Aerial and Pumping Appliances, Water Tankers, Incident Command vehicle and 4-Wheel Drive Vehicles with off road capabilities.
Kilkenny Fire and Rescue Service have received Capital Grant Aid for the replacement of Urlingford Class B Fire Appliance in 2021 and expect to replace that Class B Appliance during the life of this Section 26 Plan.
Kilkenny Fire and Rescue Service have also applied for Capital Grant Aid for the replacement of a Class B Fire Appliance in 2020 for Kilkenny City and will continue with a replacement programme and refurbishment programme as capital funding is made available.
Kilkenny Fire and Rescue Service will continue to invest in the current vehicles which will include a refurbishment programme for all vehicles that are over 13-years old. This refurbishment programme will ensure that the maximum value of the vehicle is achieved during their serviceable life.