Kilkenny County Council has completed a Route Selection study to identify the Preferred Route Corridor for the N24 Carrick Road Improvement Scheme near Mooncoin Village. The need and objectives for the project have previously been established within a Project Appraisal Plan (PAP) report. This consultation is a follow up to the previous consultation which identified Route Corridor Options.
You are invited to view A1 size plans of the Preferred Route at the buildings or on the website identified below and thereafter make comments or observations via written submissions.
In addition a public information drop in day has been arranged for the Community Centre, Mooncoin on Tuesday 23rd July between 2 and 7pm. This will allow members of the public to discuss the preferred route corridor with technical staff of Kilkenny County Council.
You are encouraged to download and complete the Comment Form provided as part of this public information display. See details below of locations where documents are available:
9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm daily from Wed 17th July to the Wed 14th August 2019 – Kilkenny County Council, Municipal District of Piltown, Ferrybank Shopping Centre, Ferrybank Waterford (051) 831379.
9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm daily from the Wed 17th July to Wed 14th of August 2019 – Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny (056) 7794000.
In writing to (N24 Carrick Road Improvement Scheme), Kilkenny County Council, Freepost KK 26, Road Design Section, 1A Dean Street, Kilkenny.
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on the Councils Consultation website during this public information display phase. Kilkenny County Council will treat all personal data you give as confidential. We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary and in accordance with the Councils Retention Policy and the relevant Data Protection Legislation.
Latest date for receipt of Submissions / completed Questionnaires is Wednesday 14th of August 2019.
N24 Carrick Road Improvement Scheme-The Identified Preferred Route Corridor
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Kilkenny County Council has completed a Route Selection study to identify the Preferred Route Corridor for the N24 Carrick Road Improvement Scheme near Mooncoin Village. The need and objectives for the project have previously been established within a Project Appraisal Plan (PAP) report. This consultation is a follow up to the previous consultation which identified Route Corridor Options.
You are invited to view A1 size plans of the Preferred Route at the buildings or on the website identified below and thereafter make comments or observations via written submissions.
In addition a public information drop in day has been arranged for the Community Centre, Mooncoin on Tuesday 23rd July between 2 and 7pm. This will allow members of the public to discuss the preferred route corridor with technical staff of Kilkenny County Council.
You are encouraged to download and complete the Comment Form provided as part of this public information display. See details below of locations where documents are available:
Submissions may be sent:
Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on the Councils Consultation website during this public information display phase. Kilkenny County Council will treat all personal data you give as confidential. We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary and in accordance with the Councils Retention Policy and the relevant Data Protection Legislation.
Latest date for receipt of Submissions / completed Questionnaires is Wednesday 14th of August 2019.
Tim Butler,
Director of Services, Date: 17th July 2019.