Proposed Variation No. 1 to Kilkenny City & Environs Development Plan 2014-2020
Section 13 Planning & Development Acts 2000–2014
The proposed Variation to the Kilkenny City & Environs Development Plan 2014-2020 consists of 9 no. development objectives and a map (Fig 3.4) to be inserted into Chapter 3 of the Development Plan.  These objectives will establish high level principles for the area covered by the Abbey Creative Quarter Masterplan which is also under preparation.  
The text of the proposed Variation is:  
It is an objective of the Council: 
1. To provide for a linear park along the western bank of the River Nore connecting to the existing River Nore linear park north of Green’s Bridge and the existing River Nore linear park south of the Masterplan area (Canal Walk) (as indicated on Fig 3.4) subject to compliance with the Habitats and Birds Directives and the provisions of the Abbey Creative Quarter Masterplan
2. To provide for an urban park in the vicinity of St. Francis Abbey (National Monument) incorporating Evan’s Turret and St. Francis’ Well taking into account the recommendations of the archaeological strategy developed in the preparation of the Abbey Creative Quarter Masterplan (as indicated on fig 3.4) and subject to compliance with the Habitats and Birds Directives and the provisions of the Abbey Creative Quarter Masterplan,
3. To prepare a Heritage Conservation Plan for St. Francis Abbey, Evans’ Turret and St. Francis’ Well in the context of the existing City Wall conservation plan in conjunction with the Heritage Council, the Office of Public Works, the National Monuments Service, the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and other relevant stakeholders.
4. To prepare urban design criteria and recommendations and archaeological recommendations for the implementation of the Abbey Creative Quarter Masterplan.
5. To finalise and adopt the Abbey Creative Quarter Masterplan and to incorporate it into the Kilkenny City & Environs Development Plan 2014-2020.
6. To develop a low carbon energy strategy for the masterplan area and advance the provision of near zero energy buildings on site.
7. To provide for park and walk facilities for car and bus/coach parking at a site or sites in close proximity to the Abbey Creative Quarter Masterplan area to service both the masterplan area and the city centre generally.
8. To provide for housing within the masterplan in the area north of the Central Access Scheme as identified on fig 3.4
9. To provide for an urban street of pedestrian and cyclist priority between the Central Access Scheme and Bateman Quay crossing the River Breagagh at the existing bridge crossing. To provide for traffic management measures on the street such as to inhibit the flow of through traffic and heavy goods vehicles.
These objectives will be inserted into Chapter 3 of the Plan (Core Strategy) and re-numbered accordingly, i.e. 3H, 3I, 3J etc.  

Variation no 9
I object to variation number 9. At both public consulations it was evident that people do not want a spur road / urban street off the CAS that traverses the site. The historic site of St....
Variation no 5
I object to variation no 5, the finalising of the draft masterplan. I don't think the plan reflects the wishes of the public who have engaged so much with this process over the past few months. For...
Variation no 8
I object to variation no 8 as while I support the development of housing in the city centre I do not support housing in Area 1. The houses would be sandwiched between two busy roads, CAS and...
Variation no 6
While I believe that voting on variations is premature I do support the concept of variation no 6 and hope that over time it will be extended to the rest of the city. All new buildings in Kilkenny...
Variation no 3
While I believe that voting on the variations is premature I agree with the concept of variation no 3 and hope that it will be truly collaborative process led by the experts in heritage....