Kilkenny Local Development Strategy 2015-2020

Dúnta5 D.F., 2015, 16:43 - 13 Sam, 2015, 17:00



LEADER is an EU funded programme to support activities to improve the quality of life in rural areas and to diversify the rural economy.  It supports the delivery of local development actions in rural communities and has formed part of EU funding supports since 1991.  The LEADER programme is now established as a key funding pillar within the national Rural Development Programme.

For the new LEADER element of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, in line with Government policy, it is proposed that Kilkenny Local Community Development Committee will be the Local Action Group with Kilkenny LEADER Partnership being the lead Implementation Partner. 

Under Ireland’s Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, LEADER will primarily address Priority 6 of the European Union priorities for rural development which is promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas. 


The proposed framework for delivery of the 2014 – 2020 programme in Kilkenny is:

·         Managing Authority – Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government

·         Local Action Group – Kilkenny Local Community Development Committee

·         Lead Financial Partner – Kilkenny County Council 

·         Lead Implementation Partner – Kilkenny LEADER Partnership Ltd

The budget for Kilkenny for the 2014 to 2020 programme is €7.79m.  This represents a significant opportunity for development of the rural economy and services in Kilkenny. 


The process of preparing a Local Development Strategy (LDS) for County Kilkenny has commenced.  This LDS will set out the objectives and actions proposed for the new LEADER programme.  Kilkenny Local Development Committee will prepare the LDS for Co Kilkenny.

As a community led local development approach, LEADER is a methodology that places the rural community at its centre.  Through the preparation of LDS, it is hoped to facilitate participation by all parties who wish to contribute to the process.  The precise projects to be supported will emerge from the bottom-up approach used in the design of the Local Development Strategy.


The proposed Local Development Strategy (LDS) will outline a range of Actions which will be delivered under the three main themes for the LEADER programme which have been set out to guide the strategy development. The Themes are:

Supplementary Detail on LEADER Programme:


Kilkenny Community Development Structures:

Kilkenny Community Development Committees:

Kilkenny Public Participation Network:


Economic Development
Job Creation
Rural Tourism
Enterprise Development
Rural Towns
Social Inclusion
Basic Services Targeted at Hard to Reach Communities
Rural Youth
Rural Development
Protection and Sustainable use of Water Resources
Protection and Improvement of Local Biodiversity
Development of Renewable Energy
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