Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Stephen Blair

Text of proposed Variation

Further to your correspondence of l5TH July,2015, the Southern Regional Assembly sets out below its observations on Variation No. 1to the Kilkenny City & Environs Development Plan 2014-2020,in accordance with Section 27(c) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).


Purpose of proposed variation:-


The Regional Assembly notes that the Variation relates to Objective 3C of the Development Plan which is 'to prepare a masterplan and urban design framework for the Smithwick's site and Bateman Quay during the lifetime of the Development Plan'. It is proposed in the variation to incorporate 9no. new development objectives for the masterplan area to ensure a statutory basis for high level principles which are required to underpin the future development of the former Smithwick's Brewery site,Bateman Quay/Market Yard and surrounding area which will consolidate the city centre and contribute towards its vitality and viability. It is also stated that the proposed variation intends to maximise the benefit accruing from current funding and resource  opportunities.


The proposed variation consists of the following:-


  • A proposed text setting out the proposed changes to the text of the Development Plan along with a map of the area concerned identifying the principal objectives.
  • A Strategic Environmental Assessment Report


  • An Appropriate Assessment Screening Report.


Policy context and Observations of the Southern Regional Assembly


The above documents have been reviewed in conjunction with the South-East Regional Planning Guidelines and relevant national policy.

Proposed Variation


The proposed variation would provide for high level principles for the area covered by the Abbey Creative Quarter Masterplan which is also under preparation.


General Observations.


It is noted that the development context is a prominent brownfield site of approx. 5.Sha located in the historic city centre along the western banks of the River Nore,part of the River Barrow and River Nore cSAC (site code 002162) and the River Nore SPA (site code 004233).

There is also significant archaeology in the area subject to the variation and a number of Protected Structures in the area, which is located within two Architectural Conservation Areas(ACAs), the City Centre ACA and St. Canice's ACA.

The area was previously identified as a key redevelopment opportunity for the city and described as Site 2 in the Development Strategy in the City Centre Local Area Plan(LAP), now lapsed. With the closure of the Smithwick's Brewery In the last couple of years, the strategic nature of the Brewery site together with Bateman's Quay was recognised by the inclusion Objective 3Cin the Kilkenny City and Environs Development Plan 2014 -2020 with the objective 'to prepare a master plan and urban designframework for the Smithwick's site and Bateman's Quay duringthe lifetime of the development plan.

The high level principles to be incorporated into the Development Plan by way of this variation would provide for wider objectives to develop a new quarter of the city centre which would include:-


  • A linier park along the banks of the River Nore
  • An urban park in the vicinity of St. Francis Abbey
  • Provision for residential development
  • Bus and coach parking facilities and 'park and walk' facilities.


It is noted that wider objectives of the variation for the area include priority for pedestrians and cyclists in the new urban streets and lanes of the masterplan area and objectives for a low carbon strategy and near low carbon buildings.

Given the rich archaeological and architectural heritage of the area, the

Regional Assembly notes that the development in the masterplan area will be informed by an Archaeological Strategy and a Heritage Conservation Plan for the area.

The Regional Assembly considers that the proposed variation as described above would provide for a comprehensive approach to redevelopment of a strategic city centre site in Kilkenny,a designated 'Hub' in the Regional Planning Guidelines for the South-East Strategic Planning Area of the Southern Region.

The proposed variation to the Development Plan would incorporate objectives that demonstrate a strong commitment to urban design,heritage and conservation and low carbon development on a brownfield city centre site that has potential to contribute to city centre vitality,an improved tourism offering and the provision of green infrastructure and healthy cities.

The Regional Assembly considers that the proposed variation would assist in implementation of Strategic Goal A7  'Promoting tourism and attracting overseas and domestic visitors through promotion of diverse and well developed tourism sectors and highlighting the facilities for the business sector',and BS for 'Promoting strategies to prioritise urban regeneration in order to improve and revitalise cities, towns and neighbourhoods and support

local economies' as set out at Section 3.2 (Strategic Goals for the region) of the Regional Planning Guidelines and would also be consistent with Critical Enabling Investment Priority 4 'to foster urban regeneration and improved quality of life for all' as set out at Section 10,page 133. The proposed variation would also support the following Planning Policy Objectives (PPOs) relating to



sustainable transport (PPO 5.1), sustainable neighbourhoods (PPOS.8), climate change and energy efficiency (PPO 6.15),protection of built and natural heritage (PPOs 8.1and 8.2) access to open space and natural amenities (PPOs 8.9, 8.18 and 8.21) and flood risk (PPOs 9.2 to 9.5).

Fiafraigh / freagra a thabhairt ar cheist nó faisnéis a bhaineann leis an observation seo a roinnt.